Monday, 16 May 2022

Aesthetic Theory Philosophy & other Spaces


art notes & works Maria Sevastaki 2015 2022 

Yesterday evening I followed and listened to the INTERDISCIPIINARY ZOOM MEETING ON PHILOSOPHY & ASTRONOMY that are to serve the 2nd Pythagoras Festival in August 2022 on Samos. When one the speakers Professor Apostolos Apostolou spoke on Kostas Axelos ‘Planetary Thought’ my Mind remembered a book I had misplaced titled: Aesthetic Theory by T. Adorno.

For the 2nd year a Pythagoras Festival will take place on our island. 

After the meeting I looked again for the book & found it in front of my small easel … Inside is a warm dedication by my sister that gifted this book while she was in Thessaloniki March 2001. Inside I found photos of my sister & brother Gary and a strange note by someone unknown today to me in Greek & English that writes: ΠΑΛΑΤΙ ΤΩΝ ΙΔΕΩΝ & signed by Frendivian Seval. (?) Each time I travel I take this book with me as it gives me strength and endless inspiration ….

The Book 

Photo images and strange note I found in Adornos Aesthetic Theory  

My sister Athanasia gave birth to Nikola in Belfast in 2016. I then conceived the concepts 'DREAMTIME'  ‘REFORM’ & “PATHOLOGIES” a little before was the BLUE CEMETERY concept (while visiting cousins in London)and these works where completed in Samos 2018. I made many artworks on paper along with ART CASH for our ART BANK collection (Litsa Mousouli artist/author 
Art Bank Manifesto I also made some many funny self portraits not to forget who I am. This one I m sharing with you was serving as a book mark in Belfast 2016.

self portrait: mixed media 2016 Maria Sevastaki Belfast 

Art action Plan Photo collage Maria Sevastaki May 2016 

DreamTime traveling case Art Action Plan Orizontes Gegonoton En Flo 
interacts with Litsa Mousoulis Art Bank & British Bulldog Revolver May 2016 Art Athina. 

The Philosophy Astronomy ZOOM meeting yesterday ended up to some critical questions on Technology, Art & Humanity

This meeting was very inspiring for me and justifies the reasons why I have chosen to live & work on Samos.

One of the professors sent this to us & asked if it was art 

Einstein in digital mask filter illustration. 

PATHOLOGIES miniature art series are born @ outside the British Museum 2015 & they  emerged from the Blue Cemetery art series & concept that originates from Paul Valéry's 
Cemetery by the sea.“
with my friend s from Turkey & Samos Refugees.

Pathologies: Standing Still.  London, 2015 Maria Sevastaki  

Portraits of a distracted Narciso's 
Self Portraits 
Maria Sevastaki 2015  

PATHOLOGIES: Maria Sevastaki 2015

Athens Buttography & how to became a famous artist.    Artist insets brushes &  paints with bum.  Athens Art performance,  
PATHOLOGIES:  RIP little girl 
(Refugee girl got run over by truck Samos Port)
Maria Sevastaki 2015 Samos. 

PATHOLOGIES: Wassim s story 

Aeschylus Gifts.   Digital Collage installation:  The Right & Wrong Sides of Love  Maria Sevastaki responds to Prometheus 2 Michalis Caccyannis foundation 2018 

 Process Art in Progress

Elements: Fire water earth & air
Variations on Nikos Gizis painting 
The Dance of the Muses
From left 2 right Urania Terphychore Melpomene Clio Thalia Polyhymnia Calliopi Erato Euterpe
References : Greek Mythology & the 
Natural Elements of our existence 
Maria Sevastaki Samos City Hotel 2022 
#wallmural #mariasevastaki #bigbluecartsresearch #vathisamos

Water & Fire 

earth & air 
Inspired by roots & fires on Samos 

Me with my Muses 2022

I  thank Dr Stamatis Skoutas for this invite and the spiritual contribution and feedback on the wall mural fire & water at the Samos City Hotel.  I also feel previliged listening to the distinguished Professors sharing valuable thoughts in these very troubled times

          Art for me is the full ness & less ness of life & space 
                  Maria Sevastaki said this to herself in 2001 in Karlovasi Samos.  

Maria Sevastaki 

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