ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΕΙΣ: Ρένα Παπασπύρου: «Προσπάθησα να αναδείξω τη δυνατότητα των υλικών να είναι φορείς οπτικών πληροφοριών»
Η Ρένα Παπασπύρου μπροστά στις Κλίμακες
The 1st woman Professor and the Fine Arts School of Athens.
Pioneer artist an amazing and inspiring teacher a wonderful mother I was lucky to have for 4 years during ASFA days.
Η Ρένα Παπασπύρου μπροστά στις Κλίμακες
The 1st woman Professor and the Fine Arts School of Athens.
Pioneer artist an amazing and inspiring teacher a wonderful mother I was lucky to have for 4 years during ASFA days.